Virtual Experiment Research of Armature-Controlled DC Motor

Jie DUAN, Xianyang SUN, Shubin GENG


In order to make students understand dc motor performances, we design a virtual experiment platform of the armature-controlled DC motor. The block diagram of an armature-controlled DC motor is established based on the research of control parameters. Through analyzing of the control characteristic of the armature-controlled dc motor, we set up block diagram of a speed-control and a position-control of armature-controlled DC motor. The influence factors of speed-control and position-control are analyzed respectively. Simulink model of open-loop speed, speed-control, and position-control is established with MATLAB and Simulink software. Finally we do the experiments using the designed Virtual experiment platform. It was a challenging task to develop platform that provides the students with practical appreciation and understanding of dc motors including modeling, system identification and controller design.


DC motor; Control; Virtual experiment

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