Calculation of the Transfer of Longitudinally Irregular Characteristics Open Dielectric Waveguides
Along with longitudinally regular open dielectric waveguides are widespread longitudinally irregular waveguides. In the optical wavelength range commonly used fiber Bragg gratings that are used in constructing the various functional components of optical communication systems, in particular, frequency filters, discriminators mode, dispersion compensators etc. The article presents the calculation of the dispersion of symmetric waves of an optical fiber with a periodically varying refractive index along the axis. Calculations of dispersion of symmetric waves of an optical fiber with a periodically varying refractive index along the axis (a segment of the fiber - the basis of the Bragg grating). The novelty lies in the fact that the calculation algorithm is based on a combination of the Bubnov-Galerkin method of partial areas (MPA) and iterative process.
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