Bionic Study of Hydraulic Excavator Attachment

Cheng YANG, Yinwu LI, Kui HUANG, Jingchun WANG, Meng ZHOU


Bionics is a discipline with the obvious characteristics of interdisciplinary science and technology. It provides new ideas, new original management and new methods for the science and technology innovation. In order to optimize the excavator attachment, expand modern optimization design method. This paper puts forward the new idea of bionic optimization design, based on the basic theory of bionic research and technology. It described that the research profile of excavator attachment and the status for the parts of it. Finally, optimize the entire excavator attachment by bionic. Thus, it can improve the overall efficiency of the excavator.
Key words: Bionics; Excavator attachment; Optimization; Tfficiency


Bionics; Excavator attachment; Optimization; Tfficiency


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