Analysis of the Humors in Yue Yunpeng’s Cross Talks: Based on Cooperative Principles



Similar to the Talk-show in western countries, the cross talk is not only one kind of folk vocal art form but also one kind of performance art form, and the present popularity mostly is because of his humorous use of colloquial language. The Cooperative Principle proposed by the famous American philosopher Grice is an important principle in linguistics. And the violation of the maxims of Cooperative Principle often leads to unexpected humor. Based on Cooperative Principle, this paper analyzes the humor of young comic actor Yue Yunpeng’s cross talks and hopes that people have a better understanding of cross talks and traditional culture. The paper concludes that the violation of the maxim of the quality and relevance mainly produce humor. In the process, when violating the maxims, rhetorical devices are often used. People can find the humorous language of the cross talks directly by data analysis; the audience can better appreciate cross talks’ language humor.


Cooperative Principle; Cross talks; Humor; Violation

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