UK: Green Trade Transition and Policy

Zhaozhen AN


Green international trade is more and more important part of the global economic relations in recent thirty years, since the term green economy was first coined in 1989 in a seminal report for the UK government by a group of leading environmental economists. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) launched the Green Economy Initiative in October 2008 providing analytical and policy support for investments in green sectors and greening of resource sectors. As a major proponent of the green economy, UK’s experiences in green trade transition and policy undoubtedly will provide useful references for the development of green economy and trade in other countries. As one of the responsible global advanced economies. The UK is not only an active advocate of green economy and green trade, but also an active promoter of green economy and green trade s. leading by example to drastically reduce carbon emissions, the UK’s carbon emissions fell by more than 40% between 1990 and 2018, earning the UK a world-leading reputation for reducing emissions. The UK not only actively promotes the negotiation of the Environmental Goods Agreement and formulates stricter environmental standards and regulations to raise environmental awareness in various countries, but also actively develops green technologies and exports them to the world to help accelerate the global green transition, and actively utilizes independent trade policies to help support environmental action overseas. As the fundamental driving force of an increasingly integrated global economy, green trade is an important area for the sustainable development of the world economy and will undoubtedly play a key role in any country’s transition to a green economy.


UK; Green economy; Green trade; Trade policy; Free trade; Fair trade; Carbon emission; Environmental protection; Financial system

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