A Comparison Between the Impact of Rhetorical Argumentation and Narrating Stories as Communicative Tasks on Achieving the Mastery of Fluency and Accuracy

Abderrahim Bouderbane


The present study is an investigation of the impact of the patterns of rhetorical argumentation, and narrating stories (together with describing past experiences) on students’ fluency and accuracy in speaking. Accordingly, the merit of speaking in any language is entirely based on identifying the components of speaking to design comprehensive tasks each in its specific context (Nunan, 1984), while the criterion for evaluating speaking a second or a foreign language is divided into fluency and accuracy (Brumfit, 1984). In the same sense, fluency and accuracy are two broad to be considered as components of speaking, specifically when it comes to testing the communicative proficiency of the students. Consequently, the task of identifying precisely the components of fluency and accuracy can be traced to the organizational patterns of speaking and the implementation of the different tasks to promote speaking.


Rhetorical argumentation;Narrating Stories; Tasks; Fluency and accuracy

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/%25x


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