The Sociological Marketability of Human Rights Doctrine

Mohammad Husni Abumelhim


Modern human rights theory is increasingly susceptible to politicization in a manner that debilitates its enforcement- particularly in third world nations and the Eastern bloc. Seen by many as a tool of western imperialism and a banner of democratic crusade, it is mistrusted by those who could otherwise benefit greatly from its advocacy and implementation. This article aims at exploring the challenges of human rights’ sociological marketability in light of these issues. More specifically, it attempts to address the problem of sociological marketability of human rights in increasing religiously and culturally pluralistic globalized society by examining the deep entrenchment of modern human rights theory within its roots of Western political philosophy and challenges that such limitations cause, arguing that there is no better way to ensure the survival of human rights doctrine than to depart fromWestern individual-centric view that finds itself incompatible with eastern religious and ethical systems and cultures.


Sociology; Marketability; Human rights

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