Multicultural Orientation in Science Education: Appeal, Predicament, and Resolution

Jianyi HUANG


Science was once part of the domain of culture. Yet in modern societies, the cultural essence of science has been obscured by its practicality. In contemporary societies, the cultural dimension of science has been gradually restored, and cultural diversity has received greater attention. A multicultural orientation in science education is an appeal for cultural diversity ensuing from ethnic diversity and the imbalance of ethno-regional development, yet it faces many challenges such as globalization, the unreasonable demand of national unity, unfavorable educational conditions and so forth. The concept of intercultural interaction based on the principle of “harmony but not sameness”, rooted in the co-existence of commonalities and differences across multiple cultures, offers a new resolution for the predicament of multicultural orientation in science education.


Science education; Multicultural orientation; Intercultural interaction; Contemporary societies

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