Interpretation of Implication of Subject Symbiosis Teaching Developmental View

Tian CHEN, Dequan ZHU


The implication of subject symbiosis teaching developmental view includes its connotation, characteristics, representation and structure. The combination of subsystems of teaching view with “symbiosis” and “all-win” as the core under the perspective of system theory and dynamic development of “subject symbiosis” under the perspective of control theory are its connotation. Initiative & creativity, non-guidance & prediction, and operability & verifiability are characteristics of subject symbiosis teaching developmental view. System representation and development representation indicate multi-dimensions of subject symbiosis teaching developmental view. The value, quality view, subject view, content view, media view, process view and evaluation view consist of internal elements of subject symbiosis teaching developmental view. “4R model” reflects its structure function. 


Subject symbiosis; Teaching developmental view; Implication

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