Analysis of Inquiry-Related Tasks in New China High School Mathematics Textbooks for Process Skills

Yun LIU, Weizong ZHU


This research focusses on process skills of inquiry-related tasks in new China high school mathematics textbooks. The results indicate: First, some process skills such as Inference, Compare, Observation, Use of Numbers, Construction of Tables or Graphs as well as Use of Space/Time Relations are highly emphasized. Nonetheless, there are comparatively fewer using for Data Interpretation , an process skill which symbolizes the characteristics of mathematics; Second, In terms of integrated process skills, basic process skills attract more attention while integrated process skills own fewer using; Third, more than half of the inquiry-related tasks train students for several skills simultaneously. Overall, the arrangements of senior high school textbooks’ inquiry-related tasks reflects the distinct features of mathematics, but we still should be more concerned with the training of high level process skills as well as to render the category number of process skills used in the single inquiry-related task in an appropriate range.


High school mathematics textbook; Inquiry-Related Tasks; Process skills

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