MOOC: A Crisis or an Opportunity for Chinese General Education Curriculum? MOOC’s Implications for Chinese General Education Curriculum Development

Jing LI


In recent years MOOC as a new curriculum model influence the development of higher education, it has a distinctive feature of digital information, have unique advantages with respect to the traditional online courses: improved learning, curriculum management system of good interaction and a rich learning experience and so on. Compared to the general education curriculum also has a better design and management systemic. MOOC give the “double-edged effect” on the Chinese higher education and general education had a greater impact, general education curriculum is necessary to face the reality of the existing bottlenecks, confront new ideas and challenges that MOOC bring to. Even the traditional teaching methods will not be replaced by MOOC, general education curriculum of Chinese can be absorbed MOOC’s development experience, reflection of immature at MOOC construction for the development of general education courses to provide rational thinking trial.


General education curriculum; General education; MOOC; Network Courses

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