Age Differences at Marriage Between Couples and the Risk of Divorce in Amassoma Community, Bayelsa State, Nigeria
This study aimed to examine whether age differences between married couples were a determinant in marital instability among married people in Amassoma community, Bayelsa State, Nigeria. A descriptive survey design was used as the research frame for the study. Purposive sampling techniques were used to sample 22 respondents for the study. Three hypotheses were formulated to keep the study in focus. The results of the study revealed that age differences among marriage couples account for the high rate of divorce in our study area. Husband-older couples were significantly more dissatisfied and experience high rate of divorce than wife older, and same-age marriages. The study gives valuable insight to the future use of couple therapist in society. Family therapists can work with couples for nurturing their intimacy thereby control and handling couples conflicts by knowing about spouses differences based on Gender and age differences.
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