Interactive Communication of the Core Values between China and the ASEAN Members through Confucius Institutes under the “Belt & Road” Strategy



Core values reflect the spiritual pursuit of a nation or a country, serve as the value standards for judgment in a society, and are an important embodiment of the soft power of a country. National policies are one of the key determinants in language spread and cultural values communication, which are usually influenced by international political, economic and diplomatic factors. The spread and communication of languages and cultural values among different regions and countries are an interactive process, starting from differences, while based on things in common. The ongoing enhancement of China’s national strength is a guarantee for the interactive communication of core values between China and the ASEAN members. Confucius Institutes provide an impetus, opportunity and channel for such communication under the “Belt & Road” Strategy advocated by China.


“Belt & Road” strategy; Confucius institute; ASEAN; Interactive communication; Core values

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