Translation of Idiolect in Sandalwood Death Under the Guidance of Perspective Dimension in Construal Theory

Yanan XU, Yushan ZHAO


The novel Sandalwood Death is glutted with many dialects of Shandong Gaomi. Idiolect is one of the most obvious features in this novel, which can present geographical, social, and cultural features of different characters in the story. It is of great significance for the idiolect translation for the wonderful reading experience of western readers. The paper attempts to study the translation of idiolects in Sandalwood Death in light of perspective dimension in Construal theory for the purpose of the exploration of the applicability of perspective dimension in idiolect translation as well as the translation methods while rendering the idiolects. The study shows that transliteration, the combination of literal translation and liberal translation, the perspective conversion, as well as addition translation can be adopted in translation of idiolect.


Construal theory; Perspective dimension; Sandalwood Death; Idiolect; Translation

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