Factor Analysis on Environmental Issues Generating the Declination of Students’ Physical Quality

Fengying XU


Students’ physique issue has become very common in the whole society. The declination of students’ physical quality is closely related with outside environment. The paper has found several natural environmental factors as well as social environmental factors causing the declination of students’ physical quality by using environmental factor analysis. The natural environmental factors are air pollution, water pollution, solid pollution, and noise pollution. The social environmental factors are: too much junk food, undernutrition, increase of study pressure, lack of practices, high speed of urbanization, too much pressure of competition, lack of health concept, poor atmosphere for physical practice, students’ interest and hobbies cannot be developed fully, and the declination of athletic ability.


The Declination of students’ physique quality; Environtology; Physical practices; Health


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/j.ccc.1923670020130903.2465


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