The Impact of Cultural Education on the Social Status of Women in China

Changying HU


In ancient China (before 1949), most Chinese women were illiterate, inferior and humble. Main works of women were to raise children and took care of their family members. They did not have opportunities to accept education, did not have decision-making powers at home and were underprivileged in the whole society. But now, many women have the highest decision-making powers in their families, and also are active in the workplaces, they already won a half-piece of the sky from men. What changed the status of Chinese women over these years? Many factors, such as politics, economy, science and technologies etc., all play important roles, but education plays the key role in changing the social status of Chinese women. In this paper, we will emphasize on education, especially the higher education, which let more women have confidence to compete with men in the workplaces and families. We will discuss the changing process of the Chinese women’s social status and observe the role of education in this process. Then we will point out the problems and challenges that Chinese women are still facing, and give some proposals to further promote the development of women in future.


Social status of Chinese women; Education of women; Gender equality; Women’s roles


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