A Brief Study on Unofficial Petition for Administrative Matters in Chinese Universities and Colleges

Shilei WANG


How to deal with the large amount of unofficial petition for operational matters has become an urgent issue for Chinese universities and colleges. After a focused study, the author finds the importance of legal resolutions in successfully transferring unofficial communications of operational disputes into constructive and productive outcomes. By implementing legal procedures to negotiate pragmatic and inclusive agreements for all the concerned individuals and institutions, it may provide an initiative protocol to solve internal disagreements and conflicts in academic and educational administration, and better serve and protect the rights of students and faculty. When legal channels become systemized, unofficial communications of confrontational complaints or constructive suggestions can lead to reciprocal benefits and, in time, may greatly reduce the amount of unofficial communications that often take much unnecessary time and energy. In this way, the students, faculty and staff can have access to and take reasonable actions in legal procedures when disputes come up.


Dispute; Petition; Unofficial communications; Legal procedure

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/10442


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