Assessment of English Teaching From Social - Anthropological Perspective: A Case Study of Microteaching in Warwick SJTU ETD Programme

Jixing LONG, Yongxue WANG, Yunyi ZHOU, Yun LIU, Yanan XIONG


Microteaching has gained considerable attention for its effectiveness in training teachers. Based on social-anthropological theory, a microteaching workshop in Warwick SJTU ETD Programme for 22 English teachers was investigated. Observation and interview, as the main basic methods, were applied to collect data. The results showed that microteaching offered participants an opportunity to practice teaching and receive useful feedback from peers and professional supervisors. Moreover, it was indicated that the improvement of teaching largely depends on self-reflection. The participants who were aware of teaching objectives and teaching aids, and opened to alternative teaching materials could easily manage the classroom teaching, and activate students’ learning.


Assessment of English teaching; Microteaching; Social-anthropological perspective

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