Writing Problems of Non- English Students

Mohammed AL-Widyan, Manar Abu Darwi, Manar Abu Darwi


To be a good writer is one of the most difficulties that faces most of students who are majoring in English. It is known that writing skill is an important for educational, business and personal fields. This paper will spot the lights on EFL learners’ writing difficulty of Jordanian students at university of Jordan /Aqaba branch and the teachers’ concerns and efforts to explore and the nature of the students’ errors of first year students. These errors which are usually investigated may reflect poor linguistic competence on different levels including phonological awareness and knowledge of orthography, vocabulary, morphology and semantics relationship, and mental orthographic images. (Apl and Masterson, 2001; Apeh, Masterson and Nissen, 2004).


Learners’ writing errors; Jordanian EFL learners; Writing difficulties

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/11244


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