A Study on the Techniques of the E-C Long-Sentence Translation in Our Wealth Is Loving Each Other: Self and Society in Fiji under the Theory of Communicative Translation

Qianqian HU, Su CHAI


Long sentences are commonly used in social science texts (SST). According to Peter Newmark’s classification of text types, SST is content-based informative text. Our Wealth Is Loving Each Other: Self and Society in Fiji belong to SST whose main function is to convey information to readers. The present writer exemplifies the E-C translation of long sentences in SST under the guidance of Newmark’s Communicative Translation Theory, hoping to explore the translation techniques of long sentences in this type of texts. The present writer proposes five translation techniques, in an effort to achieve a fluent and faithful translation.



Social science text; Communicative translation; Long English sentence; Techniques

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/11567


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