IPMS Implementation Efficiency Study Based on Chinese IPMS Standard GB/T 29490



Intellectual property management system (IPMS) standard GB/T 29490-2013 which aims at creating a culture of intellectual property management and improving intellectual management level for enterprises was published by Chinese government in 2013. The main objective of this research is constructing a method to calculate the relative efficiency of IPMS implementation according to the audit result of IPMS standard in order to help manager and IPMS training & consultant body to improve the system to be more efficient and more compliant to IPMS standard. Two evaluation models have been developed so as to achieve the valuation of inputs and outputs which are used in calculating the relative efficiency of IPMS implementation efficiency using Data envelop analysis. The case study indicates the method developed in the research can be effectively applied in benchmarking to find out the deficiency of IPMS practices and enhance the IP management level of efficient companies and to help certification body to figure out the limitation of the audit and improve the audit skill.


Intellectual property management system; Efficiency evaluation; Standard implementation comparison; DEA

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/11679


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