On Methodology of TAPs in Translation Process

Yushan ZHAO


In recent years, scholars have shifted from the study of translation products to the study of translation process, that is, to explore the psychological activities of translators in the process of translation in order to uncover how the human brain operates in the process of translation. In the research process, thinking-aloud protocols (TAPs) is widely used. The research on the translation process of TAPs is a part of the translation process of cognitive psychology. In the cognitive research on the translation process of TAPs, some translation researchers at home and abroad have conducted experiments. The research of TAPs translation process has its specific research object, research methods and data collection requirements. Data collection methods will directly affect the results of the research. Therefore, more scientific data collection methods and a reasonable number of subject should be considered in the research of TAPs translation process. In this paper, the translation strategies and translation unit and so on are analyzed. At the same time, the selection of subjects and data collection types are discussed in order to through the processing of experimental data, to analyze the translator’s psychological processes. It’s hoped the research can provide certain reference for real translation study.


TAPs; Translation process; Research content; Data collection

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/12244


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