Unlocking Potential: Exploring the Impact of Free Voluntary Reading on Moroccan High School Students

Hassan El Garras, Abdallah Ghaicha, Mohamed Yacoub


This study examines the impact of Free Voluntary Reading (FVR), or reading for pleasure, on 15 high school students in a rural area in Morocco. The paper explores how FVR impacts Moroccan high school students’ attitudes, motivation, perceptions, and habits toward their English language development and language literacy. After a six-month involvement in reading a series of short stories, the 15 participants were interviewed following a semi-structured protocol. The Interview questions were divided into three categories: learners’ attitudes and motivation, learners’ perceptions of their language development, and reading habits and literacy development. The participants’ responses were transcribed, coded, and the findings were presented into seven themes, revealing the positive impact of FVR on students. These themes are Motivation and Engagement, Confidence and Self-esteem, Choice and Learner Autonomy, Reading Habits and New Experiences, English Language Development, Interest in Reading, and Reading Culture. The paper concludes with pedagogical implications and recommendations for further research.


Free voluntary reading; Literacy; Reading habits; Language development; Attitudes

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/13312


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