Measuring the Locus of Causality as a Means of Generating Explanations for the Legitimization of Paltry Favors Effect

Jessica Russell, Franklin J. Boster


Two experiments were designed to examine the potential for impression management as an explanation of the legitimization of paltry favors (LPF) effect. Scenarios varied the technique (control v. LPF, Experiment 1), and both whether or not the target complied and the amount donated by the target (Experiment 2). The potential for impression management as a mediator of the effect was explored by examining attributions made concerning the locus of causality for compliance and non-compliance. Findings provide the foundation for future research by generating evidence consistent with the desire to make a favorable impression as an explanation for the LPF effect.


Sequential persuasion strategies; Legitimization of paltry favors; Impression management

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