Leader-Member Exchange, Efficacy and Job Performance: A Cognitive Perspective Interpretation

Biao LUO, Shuping CHENG


The traditional literature focuses on the research of the direct influence which leadership-member exchange has on the employees’ work performance while lacks of in-depth exploration of its internal mechanisms. This essay sets from the perspective of employee cognitive, introduces relative hypothesis of Processing Efficiency Theory and builds a comprehensive model of the influence which leadership-member exchange has on the employees’ work performance under the action of internal and external efficacy. After the questionnaire inquiry of 420 employees and their supervisors, the conclusions are: leadership - member exchange has a positive impact on employees’ work performance and self-efficacy act as an intermediary between the two. In addition, the mediate function is adjusted by means efficacy. 


Leader- member exchange; Self-efficacy; means efficacy; Job performance

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/%25x


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