Decline and Reconstruction of Functions of School Education in Impoverished Ethnic Areas: Based on the Investigation into Liping of Guizhou

Xiaoyan ZHANG


It is found from an investigation into the education of Liping County, Guizhou Province that there exist evidences which indicate decline of functions of school education in impoverished ethnic areas. Such decline may be attributable to the following causes: drain of human capital resulted from poor economic development level in the local area; erosion of traditional cultural concept on the functions of school education; lack of “educational criteria” in social development and irrationality of education per se. To reconstruct the functions of school education in the impoverished ethnic areas, such strategies as promoting concurrence of local economic & cultural development and educational input, boosting educational quality and vigorously developing vocational education are feasible.


Impoverished ethnic areas; Functions of education; Economic development; Ethnic culture; Improvement of people’s well-being

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