A Case Study of the Influence of Cross-Cultural Learning and Teaching Experiences on Pre-Service Teachers’ Perception of Teachers’ Professional Standards



Under the aegis of a Canadian SSHRC project, The Reciprocal Learning in Teacher Education and School Education between China and Canada (RLTESECC), a group of Chinese pre-service teachers joined a three-month exchange immersion program in Canada, and had opportunities to attend university teacher education courses, work with local secondary teachers, and participant in education-related activities and events. This cross-cultural learning and teaching experience not only enriched these Chinese pre-service teachers’ cultural understanding, strengthen their English expression abilities, enrich their pedagogical knowledge and skills, but also changed their opinions on teachers between eastern and western more or less, leading to their new perspectives regarding teaching profession. This paper aims to explore the impact of this cross-cultural program on pre-service teachers’ perception of teachers’ qualities and teaching professional standards. Through surveys by questionnaire, interview, and participants’ reflections, the study found that some changes happened in pre-service teachers’ perception and understanding of elementary and secondary teachers’ qualities before and after they went abroad. And the causes of these changes are also discussed in this study. Findings of this study have practical implications for construction and implementation of teacher professional standards and pre-service teacher education for both China and Canada.


SWU exchange pre-service teachers; Learning and teaching in Canada; Change; Perception and understanding; Teachers’ professional standards

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/%25x


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