Highly Cited Canada Articles in Science Citation Index Expanded: A Bibliometric Analysis

Hui-Zhen FU, Yuh-Shan Ho


The characteristics of the highly cited Canada articles in Science Citation Index Expanded from 1900 to 2011 were revealed. Articles that have been cited at least 100 times since publication to 2011 were assessed regarding their distribution in indexed journals and categories of the Web of Science. The citation lives of the top articles depending on citations in publication year, recent year, and years after publications were investigated for the impact history of articles. A new indicator, Y-index, was successfully applied to evaluate publication characteristics of Canada authors and institutions. University of Toronto was the most productive institution. The top three most productive categories of the Web of Science were biochemistry and molecular biology, multidisciplinary sciences, and neurosciences. Journal of Biological Chemistry and Nature hosted the most highly cited Canada articles. In addition, the Y-index was applied to evaluate the publication character of authors and institutions.


Scientometrics; Web of science; Y-index, Classic articles; Country

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/%25x


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