Discourses and Scottish Nationalist Movement

Chunfang ZHU


Scottish nationalist movement has been on the rise ever since the 1920s and reached its climax in September 2014, when the independence referendum aroused world-wide attention. Numerous literatures have been written about it and various adjectives have been used to describe it. Among which, civic, cultural and neo-nationalism were most often associated with it. Yet, it must be pointed out that just like nationalism is multi-dimensional, there is no clear-cut dichotomy between these categories. Nationalist movement is a dynamic process in response to different discourses, which are manipulated by different groups of people to serve certain purposes. Discourses can add impetus as well as detriment to nationalist movement.


Discourse; Nationalist movement; Dynamic; Construction

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/%25x


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