Millennial (Gen Y) Consumer Behavior Their Shopping Preferences and Perceptual Maps Associated With Brand Loyalty

Guven Ordun


Every generation has it’s own characteristics. They have been affected by the changes of world and vice a versa they changed the world. Soon a new generation will rule the world and we have to prepare for it. Huge amount of information is now as distant as a cellphone. The old standards and ways should be redesigned and adapted to the new demands. The pessimistic point of view towards the millennial generation evaluates them as lazy, irresponsible, impatient, apathetic, selfish, disrespectful and even lost. But from the optimistic view they are labeled as open minded, social, innovative, energetic, ambitious, confident, motivated and smart. There seems to be one common idea; they love to buy. Consumer behavior is the main field and source for Customer Relationship Management (CRM) programs. It is important to evaluate and understand the patterns and motives behind shopping attitude. The main purpose of this research is to find out if the shopping patterns of the millennials are different from other generations. The secondary purpose of the study is to analyze if brand loyalty of millennials is associated with any other elements related to purchasing behavior.


Millenials; Generation Y; Shopping Preferences; Brand Loyalty; Perceptual Maps JEL classification: D03, D12, M31

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