Le Roman en Tant que Médiation sur l’existence Selon Kundera



Kundera emphasizes that Cervantes, with his Don Quixote, should be recognized also as the founder of the Modern Times. He indicates that there is a narrow relation between the novel and the modernity. He thinks that Cervantes has left a great literary legacy: The novel must explore the existence in a world where the human being is desperately entrapped, and help him to struggle against the forgetfulness of the Being. He insists on the autonomy of the novel in its form so that the novelists could make the successful discoveries of the new aspects of the human existence. We have then a logical conclusion: the novel is the meditation of the existence through the imaginary persons.


Kundera; Cervantes; Novel; Modernity; Existence


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/%25x


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