The Influence of Service Quality and Food Quality Towards Customer Fulfillment and Revisit Intention

Siti Nor Fadillah Binti Ahmad Shariff, Massyittah Binti Omar, Siti Nurhanifah Binti Sulong, Hayati Adilin Binti Mohd Abd Majid, Hairunnisa Binti Mohamad Ibrahim, Zuratulraha Binti Jaafar, Muhamad Shah Kamal Bin Ideris


The intensely competitive environment existing in the restaurant sector makes it vital for firms to achieve customer satisfaction in order to survive in the long term. Obtaining customer satisfaction means that they become an effective and efficient communication resource, at no cost to the firm. Prominent among the factors that determine the levels of customer satisfaction in the food and beverage contexts are service quality and product quality. Nowadays, Chinese cuisine is becoming more attractive and accepted worldwide. Due to large population of Chinese Muslims in Malaysia, restaurants catered or owned by Chinese Muslims are now increasing and cater to all races in Malaysia. Therefore, the objective of the study is to identify the relationship between service quality and product quality towards customer satisfaction and examine revisit intentions of 9 Chinese Muslim restaurants in Shah Alam, Malaysia. The questionnaire was tested for reliability before being used. Correlation and regression analysis were employed to investigate the relationship between the service and product (food), customer satisfaction and revisit intentions to these restaurants. The findings of this study indicate that service quality and food quality have a significant relationship on customer satisfaction and thus have a significant relationship towards revisit intention. In conclusion, it was found that all customers were satisfied with these restaurants and willing to recommend Chinese Muslim restaurants to their relatives and friends and they were also willing to revisit this type of restaurant in the future.


Customer satisfaction; Revisit intention; Food quality; Service quality

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