Discussion on the Undifferentiated Bombing of Hunan From Japanese Invading Army

Guanghui WU


After the war broke out, based on the specific geographical location of Hunan and the implementation of the strategy “of political attack and long-lasting war”, Japanese invading army carried out large-scale undifferentiated bombings in Hunan. Japanese invading army’s undifferentiated bombings have the characteristics of long lasting in time, dense in scale, widely in geography with focus and they are strategic and of deterrence. In the eight years from the outbreak of the war for the victory of the war, the Japanese invading army’s undifferentiated bombing in Hunan has caused serious personal injury and property damage, and greatly hindered and undermined the process of modernization in Hunan.


Japanese invading army; Hunan; Undifferentiated bombing; Discussion

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/7683


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