Indian Experiments With Social Justice: A Status Report

Rajkumar Singh


Social justice means both psychological and social needs based on equality, liberty and fraternity as properly incorporated in various provisions/directives of the Constitution of India which ultimately reflects an uncompromising respect for human dignity with an overriding concern for the poorest and weakest in the society. Gandhi and Ambedkar, the chief architects of social justice in India, furthered the themes and as a result, social processes are constantly changing while in globalisation, the Government of the day is bound to refresh the old and start a needed new to get the fullness of life. The research paper aims to examine the various constitutional provisions which provide social justice to a large section of people in the country. In addition to keeping in view the political philosophies of Gandhi and Ambedkar it seeks the answer of several questions asked about the implementation of social justice in India. It is an innovative paper and hence it may be useful for many countries aiming to achieve social justice for weaker sections of society.


Constitution; Provisions; Implementation; Development & challenges

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