Le Progrès Démystifié dans Le Pont aux Trois Arches d’Ismaïl Kadaré

Chi ZHANG, Liping FANG


In Le pont aux trois arches, Ismaïl Kadaré tells a story about the construction of a bridge that happed in the late 14th century Albania. Some ones thought that the immurement of a living man was a necessary sacrifice to assure the success of the construction of the bridge which was considered as a promise to the progress. After the analysis of the novel, we believe that Kadaré criticizes the Albanese reality under the dictatorship of Enver Hodja, who constantly called for the Albanese fanatic sacrifice of their life and liberty to the illusionary progress. And in a larger sense, this novel could be read as a question put to the myth of progress worldly expanded since the 18th century.



Ismaïl Kadaré; Le pont aux trois arches; Albania ; Progress; Sacrifice

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/9991


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