Comparison of Administrative Charge Systems in Main Countries and Regions in the World



At present, “arbitrary charge” problem remains rather serious in China. Many regions and units continually violate national regulations to randomly increase charge items and elevate charge standards under a jumble of names and with excessively high criteria. In essence, administrative “arbitrary charge” is the illegal expropriated action performed by main administrative subjects by virtue of coercive administrative power to deprive the property right of administrative counterparts in specific conditions. “Arbitrary charge” is not only an economic problem, but also a grave political problem, legal problem and social problem. As a result, normalizing administrative charge becomes an urgent problem to be solved in China now. In most countries across the world, administrative charge is an extremely important charge item for government departments. This thesis will mainly introduce the administrative charge systems in America, Canada, Germany, Britain, Singapore and Finland and expect to draw useful references for the specification of administrative charge in China.


Administrative charge; Beneficiary pays principle; Charge law; Supervisory mechanism

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