Examining the Effect of College Type, Study level, and Gender of Students on Their Use of Teamwork Skills as They Perceived at Yarmouk University of Jordan

Muhammad K. Al-Alawneh, Ruba Meqdadi, Abeer Al-Refai, Raed Khdair, Amal Malkawi


The purpose of this study is to investigate whether there is a statistical significant difference in ratings of teamwork skills between students as they perceived based on type of college, study level, and gender variables. A total of 270 students from Yarmouk University participated in the study. The study shows a strong to moderate significant correlation between all six dimensions of teamwork skills. In addition, the study shows a significant difference in interpersonal and communication skills related to gender. Furthermore, the study shows a significant statistical difference in adaptability and coordination skills related to college type. Finally, the findings are discussed and educational implications are provided.

Key words: Soft Skills; Teamwork skills; Colleges' Students Skills


Soft Skills; Teamwork skills; Colleges' Students Skills

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/j.css.1923669720110706.282


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