Resistance to Change: Hephzibah and Clifford in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The House of the Seven Gables as Two Case Studies

Nazmi Al-Shalabi, Shadi Niemneh, Marwan M. Obeidat, Qusai Thibyan


It is argued that change is a necessity, that it’s connected with time, that it is either for the better or the worse, and that some people of whom Hepzibah and Clifford in Hawthorne’s The House of the Seven Gables are ones who sometimes resist change for certain reasons. The discussion demonstrates that Hepzibah and Clifford resist change in defi ance of time and reality. They both imprison themselves in the past and refuse to live in the real world. This refusal to change occurs due to identity-related reasons, the loss of certain interests, fear of the unknown, the threat to their security and survival, and its being imposed upon them. This paper shows that change is a fact of life and that it occurs daily in subtle ways whether we like it or not. In line with this contention, people should cope with it, and come to terms with the past and the present whose disregard is a sign of folly.

Key Words : Resistance ; Reluctance ; Necessity ; Imprison ; Reality ; Imposed ; Collapse


Resistance ; Reluctance ; Necessity ; Imprison ; Reality ; Imposed ; Collapse



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