The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on the Profitability of the Industrial Companies in Jordan

Mutasim Dabbas, Salah T. Al-rawashdeh


This study aimed to identify the effect of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on the profitability of the industrial companies in Jordan. We used a descriptive approach for the purposes of the study. The sample of the study consists of (50) workers in the industrial companies in Jordan to obtain the answers of the questionnaires. Statistical packages for social sciences (SPSS) program was used for descriptive analysis for the variables of this study (awareness & guidance campaigns, donations & establish non-profit projects and support projects and charities associations).
The most important findings indicate that there is a significant relationship between CSR activities and profitability of the industrial companies in general and there is effect of the variables Provide donations & establish non-profit projects and support projects & charities associations on the profitability of industrial companies in particular. The study recommends that the Industrial companies should increase the efficiency of workers constantly in order to improve efficiency and productivity to maxinamize profits, Industrial companies should pay more attention to public interest for the community.
Key words: CSR; Industrial; Companies; Marketing; Profit; Jordan


CSR; Industrial; Companies; Marketing; Profit; Jordan


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