The Relationship Between Library Use and Work Performance of Senior Non-Academic Staff in Private Universities in South Western Nigeria

Ezinwanyi Madukoma, S.O. Popoola


This study investigated the relationship between library use and work performance of senior non-academic staff in private universities in South Western Nigeria. Observation has shown that non-academic staff does not make regular use of the library as they occupy different positions that require decision making, unlike their counterparts, the academic staff who make regular use of the library for teaching, research, and other purposes. Through statistical analysis, it was found that there was no significant difference in work performance of the respondents by gender, secondly, there was no significant different in use of library of the respondents by universities, also, there was a significance in use of library of the respondents by gender, and there existed a significant relationship between library use and work performance of the respondents. It is therefore recommended that library managers should give user’s orientation and organize information literacy programme as well as tailor their information resources and services to the needs of the senior non-academic staff for their improved work performance.
Key words: Library use; Work performance; Senior non-academic staff; Private universities; South Western Nigeria


Library use; Work performance; Senior non-academic staff; Private universities; South Western Nigeria


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