Communication Strategies Used by Jordanian EFL Learners

Salah Nimer Abunawas


Due to long academic experience, it was noticed when some EFL learners encounter a problem in verbal communication in TL, they tend to employ different techniques. They may abandon the message, alter the meaning they intend to convey, omit some items of information, make their ideas simpler and less precise, or say something which is slightly different from the intended meaning. When a learner is able to anticipate such a communication problem, he may overcome it by avoiding communication or modifying what he intends to say. If the problem arises while the learner is already engaged in speaking, he may try to find an alternative way of getting the meaning across. The researcher witnessed various types of communication strategies used by learners in their interaction and performing tasks via English. This actual observation motivated the researcher to investigate the communication strategies (CSs) employed by EFL learners in communicating with others, e.g. their classmates and instructors. This observation is also in line with what other researchers (e.g., Littlewood, 1984; Poulisse, 1987) have noticed that EFL learners who venture to put their knowledge into practice often run into communication problems due to deficiencies in their linguistic repertoire. The present study deals with CSs and the proficiency level of 66 Jordanian students at Zarka University.

Key words: Jordanian learners; Communication strategies; Strategic competence


Jordanian learners; Communication strategies; Strategic competence


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