The Role of Immigration as a Social Network on Shaping Entrepreneurship Tendency: A Research on Balkan Immigrant Entrepreneurs in Turkey

Ali Tas, Umut Sanem Citci, Yusuf Cesteneci Cesteneci


The main purpose of the current study is to explain immigration concept and the effects of social networks occurring in the grounds of immigration on the entrepreneurship tendencies of immigrant entrepreneurs especially for the sampling of Balkan immigrant entrepreneurs. Keeping this main purpose in mind, interviews were made with 17 Balkan immigrant entrepreneurs. First of all, the data obtained from this research show that social networks occurring in the grounds of immigration are used by immigrant entrepreneurs in a specific way for forming work conception, providing necessary information and support to set up business, supplying with required finance and choosing the staff. Besides, the results of this research display that Balkan immigrant entrepreneurs living in Turkey would rather make use of group dynamics and sources on the basis of individual pragmatism than keep and protect them as a closed social network.

Key words: I m m i g r a n t s ; I m m i g r a t i o n entrepreneurship; Social networks; Balkan immigrants


I m m i g r a n t s ; I m m i g r a t i o n entrepreneurship; Social networks; Balkan immigrants


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