Reasonability of Policies and Laws -- From the Negative Freedom Perspective

Chuan HAO


Government implements public administration mainly by policies and laws which the citizen must abide by. Policies and laws which can be called as legal system are ensured by public power of the government. From perspective of Hayek’s negative freedom that the conception of freedom is avoiding arbitrary compulsory from other individuals and organizations even the public government in the modern society. Security of freedom which is realized by setting delimit for behaviors which could prevent arbitrary coercion so that state and government should abandon positive stylized design and should also set reasonable limit for government’s power to avoid arbitrary enforcement from public power and guarantee the rights of individuals.

Keywords: Negative freedom; Policies and laws; Public power


Negative freedom; Policies and laws; Public power


Hayek, F.A. (1960). The Constitution of Liberty (pp. 3). Beijing, China: Sanlian Press.

Hume, David (1734). A Treatise of Human Nature (pp. 157).Beijing, China: Commercial Press.

WU, Zhongmin (2011). Development and Problem of Liberty and Peace for 30 Years from Reform and Opening up to the World. Journal of Qinghua University Philosophy and Social Science Edition, (2), 25-42.



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