On Information Literacy for the University Foreign Language Teachers in China

Xiaochi ZHANG


At present, the university foreign language teachers in China face the transition from the traditional classroom to the modernized classroom and the changes of the teaching models. Especially, a large amount of the daily teaching work of many university foreign language teachers involve acquiring and using information to solve problems, advance teaching knowledge, and so on. Yet enormous numbers of hours are wasted every day by the foreign language teachers who lack the sophisticated skills to get the right information when they need it and to use it effectively when they have it. This article discusses the definition of the concept information literacy, expounds the developmental background of the concept information literacy, and focuses on the importance of information literacy for the university foreign language teachers and the basic contents of information literacy skills and its basic requirements for the university foreign language teachers. Through the discussion, the author tries to encourage the university presidents to help cultivate information literacy for the university foreign language teachers in China.

Key words: Information; Information literacy; Information literacy education; Information literacy skill; Internet; Foreign language education; Foreign language teacher; China


Information; Information literacy; Information literacy education; Information literacy skill; Internet; Foreign language education; Foreign language teacher; China


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/j.css.1923669720120804.1840


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