Linkage Between Worksite Support with Work Role Expectation, Role Ambiguity and It’s Effects on Work-Family Confl ict
As more married women participate in the labour forceand occupy both work and family roles simultaneously,they tend to experience confl ict between work and familyroles. This study examined the intensity of work-familyconflict experienced between married female personnelin the offi ce of Ahwaz. The study also analyzed the socialsupport that the secretaries received at the workplace fromsupervisors and co-workers and friends and relatives. Datawere gath ered through self admi nistered questionnairesfrom 368 personnel office. The personnel in this studyexperienced work-family confl ict with varying intensitiesas they to fulfi ll the confl icting demands of work and familyroles. They received the most social support from theirsupervisors. Implications of these findings for marriedworking women in terms of facilities, support servicesand social support are discussed.
Key words: work role Expectation; work roleambiguity; work-family confl ict; social support; workingwomen
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Anne Kouvonen
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