Stock Market Development and Economic Growth in Nigeria: Market Size Versus Liquidity
This study investigates empirically into the acclaimed positive role played by stock markets in driving growth, with evidence from the Nigerian stock market. Utilizing several econometric techniques, such as unit root test, cointegration test and Gran=ger causality test the study disaggregates stock market development into two components: Stock market size and stock market liquidity. The essence is to know the aspect of stock market development that is the main driver of growth in Nigeria. The findings suggest the dominance of stock market liquidity over market size. While there is a two way causation between stock market liquidity and economic growth with the strength of the causality coming more from stock market liquidity, market size is found to have little or no effect on growth. Equally the results suggest a one way causation between financial deepening and growth with causality flowing from financial depending to economic growth.
Key words: Stock market size; Liquidity; Economic growth; Causality; Nigeria
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