Empirical Research on Debt Restructuring Gains in China’s Listed Companies

Xuemei LUO, Yuan GAO


China’s Ministry of Finance issued New Accounting Standards of debt restructurings in 2006. According to the new standards, fair value was introduced again and debt restructuring gains were recognized as non-operating income. This paper uses empirical study to discuss the correlation between debt restructuring gains and financial indicators. This paper selects 2009 A-Share listed companies on Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges as research sample, using descriptive statistics, linear regression analysis and paired samples T test analysis to identify the influencing factors of debt restructuring gains. Based on the research conclusions, the paper proposes corresponding suggestions to improve debt restructurings standards and perfect accounting supervisory system.

Key words: Debt restructurings; Accounting standards; China’s listed companies; Gains; Empirical research


Debt restructurings, Accounting standards, China’s listed companies, Gains, Empirical research


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/j.css.1923669720120805.ZT0302


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