Military Intervention in the Nigerian Politics and Its Impact on the Development of Managerial Elite: 1966-1979

Olusoji James George, Olusanmi C. Amujo, Nelarine Cornelius


The paper traces the evolution of the influence of the military governance in Nigeria on the development of managerial elite. It attempts a brief analysis of different coups that took place in the country. Using military leadership theory, the paper discusses how the military establishment engaged in strategic and tactical management of some sectors of the country, and how their beliefs influenced the development of different types of managerial elite in Nigeria’s economy at different eras in the country’s history. It illustrates some of the leadership failures and successes of the military institution in Nigeria.

Key words: Leadership; Managerial elite; Military intervention; Britain; Nigerian politics


Leadership; Managerial elite; Military intervention; Britain; Nigerian politics


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