Corporate Governance and Risk Management in Developing Market: A Logic Analysis and Proposal

Xiaoyan WANG


The lessons from financial crisis illustrate the importance of risk management; corporate governance is increasingly being considered as an important part of risk management. In this paper, the author discusses the role of corporate governance in risk management in developing markets from shareholders vote, board of directors, top management, and auditors. This paper also presents recommendations to improve corporate governance in order to strengthen risk management.


Corporate risk; Corporate governance; Risk management


Hu Ming (2002). A Research on the Corporate Governance Structure. China Financial and Economic Publishing.

Kashif Rashid, Sardar M. N. Islam (2008). Corporate governance and firm value. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Michael Frenkel, Günter Dufey, Ulrich Hommel, Markus Rudolf (2005). Risk Management: Challenge and Opportunity. Springer.

Wei Lei (2003). Research on the institutional investors participating in corporate governance issues. East China University of Science and Technology (Social Science Edition), (2).



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