Effects of Ethnicity on the Globalization Process

Azalahu F. Akwara, Udaw Joseph E. Udaw Joseph E., Akwara, Ngozi F. Akwara, Ngozi F., Felicia Odekina


In the recent years, the globalization process has been challenged worldwide by several forces the most serious of which is that of ethnicity which has found expression as patriotism, self determination and ethnic chauvinism. This paper examines the globalization process and ethnic nationalism in contemporary era to see how the forces of ethnicity have affected the globalization process. The paper finds that ethnic sentiment aims at protecting the sovereignty of the countries involved, giving their nationals a greater control over their national economies and those of other nations, and is therefore expressed by both the developed and the developing nations. The paper concludes that aggressive national posture can only be removed or reduced if the globalization process gives the people a reasonable degree of control over their development, and, if the barriers are removed against the movement of people from the developing nations to the developed.



Ethnicity; Globalization; Patriotism; Self-determination; Discrimination

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/j.css.1923669720130906.2886


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